Yamayamarra Accidental Counsellor
The Lifeline Central West Yamayamarra Aboriginal Accidental Counsellor course is designed for anyone who would like to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples experiencing difficult situations or a crisis by understanding more about their culture and beliefs, and learn...
Diversity & Inclusion
2 Hour Workshop & 4 Hour Workshops (Min 8 - Max 20
Diversity and Inclusion is understanding that each individual is unique, and recognising our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies. This...
Communication Skills
2 Hour Workshop (Min 8 - Max 20)
Are you looking to improve your communication skills and improve outcomes for your clients? During this workshop, you will learn how to work more collaboratively with your clients, from a Strengths Based and Empowerment approach. You will also learn different...
Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Workshop
2 Hour Workshop (Min 8 - Max 20)
There is much stigma and myth surrounding self-injury (self-harming) and it is more common than you think. Would you like the sills to recognise and know how to respond appropriately to someone who is self-harming? People define self-harm in lots...
The Professional Worker
2 Hour Workshop (Min 8 - Max 20)
This workshop will help workers gain an understanding of how our values, attitudes and beliefs impact on our own professional practice and influence how we respond to clients. You will also learn about the importance of reflective practice and role...
Workplace Resilience
2 Hour Workshop & 4 Hour Workshops (Min 8 - Max 20)
Workplace Resilience Training supports your staff/colleagues to identify, manage and bounce back from challenges in the work place through increased self-awareness and personal empowerment. Employees learn how to self-manage their well-being resulting in a more cohesive and engaged workplace. Resilience...
Half-day Workshop (Min 8 - Max 20)
LivingWorks safeTALK is a four-hour training that equips people to be more alert to someone thinking of suicide and better able to connect them with further help. Using a simple yet effective model, LivingWorks safeTALK empowers everyone to make a...
Managing Challenging Interactions
2 Hour Workshop (Min 8 - Max 20)
If a client becomes violent or aggressive and is threatening to you, do you know how to respond? This workshop will teach you how to de-escalate clients and how to respond effectively to reduce the occurrence of aggressiveness in your...
Responding to Crisis
2hr workshop (Min 8 - Max 20)
What is a crisis? A crisis looks different to everyone. This workshop will give you the skills to recognise the signs someone may be experiencing a crisis and how to respond appropriately. Many types of crisis can occur for individuals...
ASIST – Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training
2-day workshop (Min 8 - Max 20)
Recognised as the gold standard in suicide intervention training, LivingWorks ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) is a two-day, interactive and in-person workshop in suicide first-aid. Appropriate for anyone in the community, including wellbeing staff, counsellors, psychologists, crisis lines, clinical...
DV-aware workshops
2hr (Min 20) and 1 day workshops (Min 15)
Total Course Duration: 2hr (Min 20) and 1 day workshops (Min 15)
The myth that family violence is a private matter enables it to occur. With our free public awareness workshops, you will learn what family violence is and how to recognise the signs. 2-hour DV-aware What it’s about This is an...
Crisis Supporter Workplace Training
Total Course Duration: 170 hours training
Training to become an accredited Lifeline Crisis Supporter includes: Paying a contribution to the cost of training Undertaking the National CS Workplace Training delivered in a combination of e-learning and face-to-face modes Being invited to complete a Student Placement (minimum...
DV-Alert Training – General, Indigenous, Multicultural and Disability Streams
Total Course Duration: 2-day workshop (Min 15)
Free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence and know what to do next. This workshop is open to frontline workers in Australia. This includes people who provide direct service and support to...
Mental Health Chat
Total Course Duration: 2 Hour Workshop & 4 Hour Workshops (Min 8 - Max 20)
This workshop will cover common myths and statistics about Mental Health in Australia. It will cover how to recognise the signs and symptoms of common mental health conditions and how to respond appropriately to someone experiencing mental illness. Mental Health...
Mental Health First Aid to Support the Suicidal Person
Total Course Duration: 4-hour workshop (Min 8 - Max 20)
This new course has been developed from “Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours: First Aid Guidelines”. Curriculum is evidence based with the input from both researchers, mental health professionals and consumer advocates. Any interested adult can attend; however, it is not recommended...
Standard Mental Health First Aid
Total Course Duration: 2 Day Workshop or 4 x 3hr Sessions (Min 8 - Max 20)
Participants will learn the sign and symptoms of mental health problems, where and how to get help and what sort of help has been shown to be effective. The SMHFA course teaches you to provide initial support to adults who...
Understanding Substance Misuse & Minimising Harm
Total Course Duration: 1-day or 2-day workshops or 4hr option (Min 8 - Max 20)
A substance can be anything that is ingested to produce a high, alter one’s senses, or otherwise affect mood, perception or consciousness. The 4hr option is suitable for workers in the Community Services Industry who work with people who abuse...
Trauma Informed Care
Total Course Duration: 1-day & 2-day workshops (Min 8 - Max 20)
Trauma Informed Care is a strengths-based framework grounded in an understanding and responsiveness to the impact of trauma, that emphasises physical, psychological, & emotional safety for both workers and clients. The workshop creates opportunities for workers to learn how to...
Accidental Counsellor
Total Course Duration: 5-hour face to face or virtual learning delivered by Lifeline Trainers
The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants withthe essential skills and structure to:Recognise when a person is in crisisRespond in an appropriate and compassionate manner, andRefer the person to a suitable service Have you ever found yourself supporting a customer,...