If life is in danger
Call 000

Our Services

Lifeline provides all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to online, phone and face-to-face crisis support and suicide prevention services. Find out how these services can help you, a friend or loved one.

13 11 14 is a confidential telephone crisis support service available 24/7 from a landline, payphone or mobile.

Anyone across Australia experiencing a personal crisis or thinking about suicide can contact Lifeline. Regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation our trained volunteers are ready to listen, provide support and referrals.

Lifeline answers between 2800-3200 calls every day from Australians needing crisis support and suicide prevention services.

If you need crisis support call 13 11 14 now.

If life is in immediate danger call 000.

Corporate Training

We offer tailored workshops to Government, Corporate, Volunteer organisations and community that are designed to enhance the emotional mental and general psychological wellbeing of our community. Programs such as ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) and Mental Health First Aid equip everyday people and professionals to be able to confidently recognise, respond and refer those who may be struggling, or at risk of psychological harm and suicide. Our other workshops complement our aim to strengthen community & enhance support and wellbeing. Our passionate trainers have expertise in areas such as suicide prevention, Crisis Support, Domestic and Family violence, Trauma, Generalist Counselling, Mental Health First Aid, drug and alcohol work and front-line management


Be empowered to act. Lifeline Central West delivers a suite of nationally accredited Domestic and Family Violence training programs: DV-alert for frontline workers and community. We offer DV-aware workshops that are free and open to everyone (aged 18+); and free nationally accredited training and further specialist training for frontline workers (aged 18+, minimum of 15 – max 20 participants). Tailored workshops are available for inhouse training. Up to 3 organisations can join together to meet the minimum 15 participants required for a workshop to go ahead. 

DV-alert is led by experienced trainers dedicated to reducing violence against women and their children. Our workshops provide a safe space to learn, connect and be empowered to recognise, respond and refer confidently to those in crisis.

Our DV-aware workshops are for the general public. Our accredited 2-day face to face workshops, 3-day virtual workshops and eLearning courses plus our specialist 1-day workshops are for frontline workers. This includes people who provide direct services and support to the community (paid or unpaid) in sectors like health, allied health, education, childcare and community.

To find a workshop near you click here, or to find out more information go to https://dvalert.org.au/

After successfully completing the training (including assessments), you’ll receive a Statement of Attainment for the nationally recognised unit of competency CHCDFV001: Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence. To find out more about this unit, click here or go to training.gov.au.

Training delivered by Lifeline Australia (RTO 88036) . Funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.

If you’d like more information first, see our Pre-enrolment Course Information and RTO Compliance Manual.

Community Programs

Trusted Advocates & Everyday Leaders: We connect our Everyday Community Leaders and Trusted Advocates with mentoring, networking, and training to support them in their local communities. 

Growth Rooms: Growth Rooms are a space you can lean on a mate during tough times and celebrate the good, we do the journey together in a proven model that those in the know developed. We aim to provide community-based support in rural settings and have been running programs in the Central West (Bathurst, Orange and Dubbo) since 2019. With the support of Lifeline Central West we are rolling out programs to all major towns and cities in the western regions of NSW. We are looking for local people passionate about supporting our men to build and maintain resilience and mental health fitness. We welcome you to come and check us out, please fill out the form here and let’s get talking.

Tackling Tough Conversations

The Tackling Tough Conversations Program educates, supports, and equips our regional and remote communities’ youth, through open and honest conversations around Masculinity, Mental Health/Suicide, Relationships/Domestic Violence, and Informed Consent. 

We aim to strengthen our schools and communities by equipping young people with the relevant skills to recognise, respond and refer to these issues, as well as provide the opportunity for self-reflection, growth, and knowledge around keeping themselves and the people around them safe.

Tackling Tough Conversations for Sporting Clubs – In this hybrid version specifically targeted at athletes in sporting clubs, participants will get the opportunity to build on club culture, strength and cohesion by breaking down some of the stereotypes around mental health and suicide through having open and honest conversations.

To find out more, phone reception on 1300 798 258 or email info@lifelinecentralwest.org.au

RAPID Community Support Program

Lifeline Central West enjoys strong community support in its ongoing campaign to address the rural suicide crisis, mental health issues, domestic and family violence and a wide range of other issues that exist within the broader community. Our Rapid Community Response program allows us to respond to critical incidents and reduce psychological trauma and distress in communities or workplaces.

Financial and GambleAware Counselling

Lifeline Central West provides counselling services to help people struggling with financial difficulty.

A Financial Counsellor is a trained community worker who acts without a conflict of interest, as a negotiator and an advocate on behalf of people who are experiencing financial hardship or people who are unable to manage their debts.

Lifeline Central West also provides GambleAware counselling to help people struggling with issues relating to gambling.

A GambleAware Counsellor is a trained community worker who acts without a conflict of interest to assist clients in order to minimise the harm of the gambling.  This program also assists friends and families of gamblers.
Free financial counselling is funded by the Office of Fair Trading. Financial counselling for family and friends of gamblers is funded by the Department of Social Services.  GambleAware counselling is funded by the Responsible Gambling Fund.
To find out more, phone reception on 1300 798 258 or email info@lifelinecentralwest.org.au

Telephone Crisis Support Training

Are you interested in becoming a qualified Crisis Supporter for Lifeline?

Lifeline provides all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to online, phone and face-to-face crisis support and suicide prevention services. Our Crisis Supporters are highly trained and provide support to those who need it at a time they need it.

We answer around 3000 calls every day from Australians needing crisis support and suicide prevention services, and we rely on volunteers of all ages and backgrounds to donate their time to answering the calls.

Lifeline puts its volunteers through specialised training in order to be fully equipped to effectively respond to people in various circumstances.

Steps to becoming a Crisis Supporter:

Crisis Supporter Worker Pre Enrolment Course Information Booklet
Lifeline Australia RTO Compliance Manual

CS Application Form
Police check consent form
Attend a face-to-face interview with our trainers. 
Complete our Lifeline Crisis Supporter Workplace Training Pathway – 170 hours total over 12 months to reach accreditation.
CHCSS00113 Crisis Support Skill Set: CHCCCS003 Increase the Safety of Individuals at Risk of Suicide, CHCCCS019 Recognise and Respond to Crisis Situations, CHCCCS028 Provide Client-Centred Support to People in Crisis.
If you would like to register for our Telephone Crisis Supporter Training, click here.

Lifeline Australia is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO88036)

Honey Crumpets Lifeline

Honey Crumpet is the Official Lifeline Central West Mascot. She is our wise gold Cocker Spaniel who posts regularly on social media about self-care.
Evelyn Crumpet is our unofficial mascot. She is the black mischievous one, who likes to visit everyone in the office and spends her day looking out the door. She is not so wise. She likes treats and sticking her nose in the garbage bin. 

Honey Crumpet has her own Instagram account where she offers hound advice as a self-declared  self-care expert. She is always looking for pawsome ways to connect and digs deep to spread a little joy and happiness. You can follow here

Funding acknowledgement

We would like to gratefully acknowledge our funding bodies, supporters and valued community groups including NSW Ministry of Health, local Regional Councils and Clubs and Healthcare. Our fee-for-service Corporate Training and all donations and fundraising go directly back into supporting programs that are not covered by funding, with all of our work supporting building strong resilient local communities.