Standard Mental Health First Aid – Blended Online

COURSE: Standard Mental Health First AidCOST $308 inc. GSTVENUE: Blended Online: Self-paced eLearning (5-7 hours), followed by 2 x 2.5-hour video conferencing sessionsAll sessions are led by an MHFA trained and Licensed Instructor. DATE: Tuesday 4th & Friday 7th June 2024, 10:00am to 12:30pm on both days TO REGISTER:Email: 1300 798 258 The Standard […]


Temora | 2-Day Foundations Workshop for frontline workers

This workshop is for frontline workers to learn how to recognise the signs of domestic violence, respond appropriately, and refer to support services. It covers the nature and scope, patterns and impacts of domestic and family violence, what to consider for diverse groups, communication skills, safety planning, referral pathways and more.This workshop provides practical knowledge […]

SPRINGWOOD | LivingWorks safeTALK

LivingWorks safeTALK is a four-hour training that equips people to be more alert to someonethinking of suicide and better able to connect them with further help. Using a simple yet effectivemodel, LivingWorks safeTALK empowers everyone to make a difference.In LivingWorks safeTALK you will learn how to reach out to someone thinking about suicide andhelp them […]


PARKES | Accidental Counsellor

The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to:Recognise when a person is in crisis.Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner.Refer the person to a suitable service. Have you ever found yourself supporting a customer, client, friend, family member, colleague or even a stranger who is experiencing distress or a […]


DUBBO | Accidental Counsellor

The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to:Recognise when a person is in crisis.Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner.Refer the person to a suitable service. Have you ever found yourself supporting a customer, client, friend, family member, colleague or even a stranger who is experiencing distress or a […]


BATHURST | Conversations about Suicide Mental Health First Aid

THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW FULL Equips adults with the knowledge, skills and confidence to recognise, understand and respond to a friend, family member, co-worker or other person, experiencing suicidal thoughts and behaviours. INTERVENE EARLYRecognise the signs that indicate someone may be experiencing suicidal thoughts and behaviours. OFFER SUPPORTLearn the skills to have an open, supportive […]


Gunnedah | 2-Day Foundations Workshop for frontline workers

This workshop is for frontline workers to learn how to recognise the signs of domestic violence, respond appropriately, and refer to support services. It covers the nature and scope, patterns and impacts of domestic and family violence, what to consider for diverse groups, communication skills, safety planning, referral pathways and more.This workshop provides practical knowledge […]

BATHURST | ASIST Applied Suicide Intervention Training

THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW FULL. Recognised as the gold standard in suicide intervention training, LivingWorks ASIST (AppliedSuicide Intervention Skills Training) is a two-day, interactive and in-person workshop in suicidefirst-aid. Appropriate for anyone in the community, including wellbeing staff, counsellors,psychologists, crisis lines, clinical staff, student support, youth workers or first responders. You will learn to become […]


BATHURST | Older Person Mental Health First Aid

Equips adults with the knowledge, skills and confidence to recognise, understand and respond to a friend, family member, or another adult aged 65+, experiencing a mental health problem or mental health crisis. The Older Person Mental Health First Aid course teaches participants who work with, care for or support adults aged 65+ how to provide […]


Griffith | 2-Day First Nations Foundations Workshop

This workshop is for frontline workers to learn how to recognise the signs of family violence, respond appropriately, and refer to support services relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. It covers the nature and scope, patterns and impacts of family violence, what to consider for diverse groups, communication skills, safety planning, referral pathways […]

Eugowra Manildra + Cudal | ZigZag Men’s Day Out

THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL, please give us a call on 1300 798 258 if you would like to go on a wait list should someone cancel. Lifeline Central West is hosting a Men’s Day Out for blokes from the Eugowra, Cudal and Manildra regions. Sunday morning 23 June, we will pick up from Eugowra, […]


VIRTUAL | 1-Day DV-aware Workshop

1-Day DV-aware is an interactive workshop where you will learn how to recognise and respond to domestic and family violence and what you can to do to help make a difference. In attending our 1-Day DV-aware Workshop, you will: Date: 24 June 2024Time: 9am-5pmVenue: Virtual (Via Zoom)Enrol: CostThis workshop is free for adults. Contact usFor […]

Coonamble | 2-Day First Nations Foundations Workshop

This workshop is for frontline workers to learn how to recognise the signs of family violence, respond appropriately, and refer to support services relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. It covers the nature and scope, patterns and impacts of family violence, what to consider for diverse groups, communication skills, safety planning, referral pathways […]

Springwood | ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

Recognised as the gold standard in suicide intervention training, LivingWorks ASIST (AppliedSuicide Intervention Skills Training) is a two-day, interactive and in-person workshop in suicidefirst-aid. Appropriate for anyone in the community, including wellbeing staff, counsellors,psychologists, crisis lines, clinical staff, student support, youth workers or first responders.You will learn to become ready, willing and able to intervene […]


BATHURST | FREE 2-Hour DV-aware – for the general public

Members of the public are invited to attend these workshops for free to learn about domestic and family violence. This workshop will explain what domestic and family violence is and how to Recognise the signs. Attendees will learn how to Respond safely and options for Referral for the person experiencing domestic and family violence. DATE […]


DUBBO | Yamayamarra Aboriginal Accidental Counsellor

The Lifeline Central West Yamayamarra Aboriginal Accidental Counsellor course is designed for anyone who would like to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples experiencing difficult situations or a crisis by understanding more about their culture and beliefs, and learn to: Recognise when the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders might be experiencing a crisisRespond in […]


VIRTUAL | Accidental Counsellor

THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW FULL The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to:Recognise when a person is in crisis.Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner.Refer the person to a suitable service. Have you ever found yourself supporting a customer, client, friend, family member, colleague or even a stranger who […]


ORANGE | DV-alert 2-Day Foundations Workshop – for frontline workers

This workshop is for frontline workers to learn how to recognise the signs of domestic violence, respond appropriately, and refer to support services. It covers the nature and scope, patterns and impacts of domestic and family violence, what to consider for diverse groups, communication skills, safety planning, referral pathways and more. This workshop provides practical […]

Katoomba | 2-Day First Nations Foundations Workshop

This workshop is for frontline workers to learn how to recognise the signs of family violence, respond appropriately, and refer to support services relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. It covers the nature and scope, patterns and impacts of family violence, what to consider for diverse groups, communication skills, safety planning, referral pathways […]


Richmond | Older Person Mental Health First Aid

Equips adults with the knowledge, skills and confidence to recognise, understand and respond to a friend, family member, or another adult aged 65+, experiencing a mental health problem or mental health crisis. The Older Person Mental Health First Aid course teaches participants who work with, care for or support adults aged 65+ how to provide […]


Condobolin | Accidental Counsellor

The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to:Recognise when a person is in crisis.Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner.Refer the person to a suitable service. Have you ever found yourself supporting a customer, client, friend, family member, colleague or even a stranger who is experiencing distress or a […]


DUBBO | ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW FULL. Recognised as the gold standard in suicide intervention training, LivingWorks ASIST (AppliedSuicide Intervention Skills Training) is a two-day, interactive and in-person workshop in suicidefirst-aid. Appropriate for anyone in the community, including wellbeing staff, counsellors,psychologists, crisis lines, clinical staff, student support, youth workers or first responders.You will learn to become ready, […]


Cowra | Conversations About Suicide MHFA

The Conversations about Suicide course teaches participants how to provide initialsupport to someone who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts and behaviours,until professional help is received or the crisis resolves. Course participants learnhow to recognise and respond to suicidal thoughts and behaviours, provide supportand encourage pathways to professional help. Using a practical, evidence-basedaction plan, participants learn […]


Standard Mental Health First Aid – Blended Online

The Standard Mental Health First Aid course teaches participants how to provide initial support to another adult who may be experiencing a mental health problem or mental health crisis, until professional help is received or the crisis resolves. Course participants learn about the signs and symptoms of common mental health problems in adults, how to […]

Eugowra & Cudal | Christmas in July

Ladies, come and join us for Christmas in July - with added honey. Lifeline Central West is hosting a day out for women from the Eugowra and Cudal region to promote friendship, healing and growth through recovery. On the morning of Thursday 25 July 2024, we will pick up at Eugowra and Cudal and travel […]


Temora | Accidental Counsellor

The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to:Recognise when a person is in crisis.Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner.Refer the person to a suitable service. Have you ever found yourself supporting a customer, client, friend, family member, colleague or even a stranger who is experiencing distress or a […]


Orange | ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

This workshop is now full, if you want to be on the waitlist, please fill out the registration form. We have another workshop in August in Bathurst Recognised as the gold standard in suicide intervention training, LivingWorks ASIST (AppliedSuicide Intervention Skills Training) is a two-day, interactive and in-person workshop in suicidefirst-aid. Appropriate for anyone […]


BATHURST | ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW FULL, however we are running the same workshop in nearby towns. Please note these are the last free workshops we will offer under this funding, so don't miss out: COWRA DATE: Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th September 2024 (must attend both days) TIME: 9:00am to 4:30pm on both days VENUE: Cowra […]


Standard Mental Health First Aid – Blended Online

The Standard Mental Health First Aid course teaches participants how to provide initial support to another adult who may be experiencing a mental health problem or mental health crisis, until professional help is received or the crisis resolves. Course participants learn about the signs and symptoms of common mental health problems in adults, how to […]

Lawson | Older Person MHFA

THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW FULL. If you would like to register for a waitlist (if we get a cancelation), please fill out the registration form and we'll contact you should a spot become available. Equips adults with the knowledge, skills and confidence to recognise, understand and respond to a friend, family member, or another adult […]
