Katoomba | DV-alert General 2-day Workshop

27-28 Feb 2023 TIME 9.00am - 5.00pm VENUE Katoomba RSL, 86 Lurline Street, Katoomba NSW 2780 REGISTER: https://www.dvalert.org.au/general-katoomba-katoomba-rsl-cselif06090 .DV-alert is free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence and know what to do next. Frontline workers hold a unique position of trust in the community and may […]

JUNEE | DV-alert Indigenous 2-day Workshop

TIME 9.00am - 5.00pm VENUE Junee Ex-Services Memorial Club, 75 Broadway Street, Junee NSW 2663 REGISTER: https://www.dvalert.org.au/indigenous-re-junee-junee-ex... .DV-alert is free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence and know what to do next. Frontline workers hold a unique position of trust in the community and may be the […]

2-Hour DV-aware Virtual Workshop

March 8, 2023 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm REGISTER: https://www.dvalert.org.au/2-hour-dv-aware-virtual-839-6644-8269-cselif06071 .Why DV-alert?DV-alert is led by experienced trainers dedicated to reducing violence against women and their children. Our 2-Hour DV-aware workshop provides a safe space to learn, connect and be empowered to recognise and respond confidently to those in crisis..What will I learn?In attending our 2-Hour DV-aware workshop you […]

Blended Online Accredited Mental Health First Aider Community course

DATE: 14/03/2023 & 17/03/2023 | 10am to 12.30pm$275 (GST Inclusive)To register, please email or call-EMAIL: training@lifelinecentralwest.org.auPHONE: 1300 798 258.The Blended Online AMHFA Community course is a 2-component course that has been adapted from the Standard MHFA (SMHFA) course for people 18 years and over. This course has been developed to support information about providing mental […]

COWRA | DV-alert Indigenous 2-day Workshop

REGISTER: https://www.dvalert.org.au/indigenous-re-cowra-cowra-bowling-recreation-club-cselif06081 VENUE Cowra Bowling & Recreation Club, 22/16 Brougham St, Cowra NSW 2794 .DV-alert is free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence and know what to do next. Frontline workers hold a unique position of trust in the community and may be the first to see […]

2-Hour DV-aware Virtual Workshop

REGISTER: https://www.dvalert.org.au/2-hour-dv-aware-virtual-884-3440-8581-cselif06068 .Why DV-alert?DV-alert is led by experienced trainers dedicated to reducing violence against women and their children. Our 2-Hour DV-aware workshop provides a safe space to learn, connect and be empowered to recognise and respond confidently to those in crisis..What will I learn?In attending our 2-Hour DV-aware workshop you will:•know how to identify the different […]

Blended Online Accredited Mental Health First Aider Community course

DATE: 21/03/2023 | 10am to 3pm$275 (GST Inclusive)To register, please email or call-EMAIL: training@lifelinecentralwest.org.auPHONE: 1300 798 258.The Blended Online AMHFA Community course is a 2-component course that has been adapted from the Standard MHFA (SMHFA) course for people 18 years and over. This course has been developed to support information about providing mental health first […]



THIS COURSE IS NOW FULLIf you are interested in future courses please email: training@lifelinecentralwest.org.aucall: 1300 798 258 NOTE* to qualify for this course, you must live or work within the Nepean Blue Mountains region. No pre-existing skills or knowledge are required. (age 18+) About 1 in 5 Australian adults experience a common mental illness each year. […]

BATHURST | 1-Day DV-aware Workshop

Bathurst RSL, 114 Rankin St, Bathurst NSW 2795REGISTER: https://www.dvalert.org.au/1-day-dv-aware-bathurst....1-Day DV-aware is an interactive workshop where participants can learn how to recognise and respond to domestic and family violence and what they can to do to help make a difference..Why DV-alert?DV-alert is led by experienced trainers dedicated to reducing violence against women and their children. Our 1-Day […]

GRIFFITH | Multicultural. 2 day workshop for frontline workers

THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW FULL TIME 9.00am - 5.00pmVENUE Quest Griffith, 53 Railway Street, Griffith NSW 2680REGISTER: https://www.dvalert.org.au/multicultural-griffith-quest-griffith-cselif06190 Free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence, and know what to do next.What it’s aboutLearn how to recognise the signs of domestic and family violence, respond appropriately and […]


This workshop is cancelled. If you are interested in attending a MHFA workshop, please email your expressions of interest to info@lifelinecentralwest.org.au Venue: The Healthy Communities Foundation Community Hub(Behind the RaRMS Clinic) 11 Wilson Street, Collarenebri, NSW 2833Date: 23-24 May 2023 | 9am - 4pm (must attend both days) and Walgett - REGISTER: https://lifelinecentralwest.org.au/event/22076MHFA/Venue: Walgett Shire Council […]


to support friends, family members, colleagues and others. About 1 in 5 Australian adults experience a common mental illness each year. MentalHealth First Aid (MHFA) training will teach you practical skills to support someone witha mental health problem. Make a real difference to people in your community. LEARN PRACTICAL FIRST AID SKILLS• Recognise common mental […]

PARKES | DV-alert General 2 day workshop for frontline workers

TIME 9.00am - 5.00pmVENUE Parkes Services Club, 9-17 Short Street, Parkes NSW 2870REGISTER: https://www.dvalert.org.au/general-parkes-parkes-services... Free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence, and know what to do next. What it’s about?Learn how to recognise the signs of domestic violence, respond appropriately, and refer to support services. This workshop […]

Lifeline Central West Bookfair May

Bathurst Showground Kendall Avenue, Bathurst, NSW, Australia

Our first 2023 BOOKFAIR for Lifeline Central West is on at the Bathurst Showground on Friday May 19th, Saturday May 20th and Sunday May 21st.***** PLUS a bonus SENIORS-ONLY Thursday on May 18th*****Gold coin entry and book bargains galore. Eftpos is available.With tens of thousands of titles to choose from, you are sure to find […]


Learn how to assist adults who are developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis, until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves. Standard Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training helps mobilise and empower adults in the workplace and community by […]


This workshop has been postponed. If you are interested in attending a future workshop, please email your expression of interest to info@lifelinecentralwest.org.au or call 1300 798 258 Learn how to assist adults who are developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis, until […]


This workshop has been postponed. If you are interested in attending a future workshop, please email your expression of interest to info@lifelinecentralwest.org.au or call 1300 798 258 Learn how to assist adults who are developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis, until […]


This workshop has been postponed. If you are interested in attending a future workshop, please email your expression of interest to info@lifelinecentralwest.org.au or call 1300 798 258 Do you come across people in your community who may be under pressure, showing signs of distress, possibly at risk of suicide and may NEED HELP?And you are […]


This workshop has been postponed. If you are interested in attending a future workshop, please email your expression of interest to info@lifelinecentralwest.org.au or call 1300 798 258 Learn how to assist adults who are developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis, until […]

KANDOS | Accidental Counsellor

THIS WORKSHOP IS FULL Date: Saturday 3rd June 2023, 9:00am to 2:00pm Venue: Kandos CWA Hall, 7 Jaques St, Kandos NSW 2848 NOTE* This course is open to people working or residing in the Mid-Western areas of Running Stream, Olinda and surrounding towns The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure […]

COOTAMUNDRA | DV-alert General 2 day workshop for frontline workers

TIME 9.00am - 5.00pmVENUE Cootamundra Ex-Servicemens & Citizens Memorial Club, 299 Parker Street, Cootamundra NSW 2590REGISTER: https://www.dvalert.org.au/general-cootamundra... Free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence, and know what to do next.What it’s about?Learn how to recognise the signs of domestic violence, respond appropriately, and refer to support services. […]

Accidental Counsellor | Bathurst

This course is now full, but enrolments are open forAccidental Counsellor BATHURSTDate/Time: Wednesday 23rd June 2023, 9:00am to 1:00pmVenue: Heritage room, Bathurst RSL Club, 114 Rankin Street, Bathurst NSW 2795REGISTER: https://lifelinecentralwest.org.au/event/rapid5_ac_bx The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to:Recognise when a person is in crisis.Respond in an appropriate and compassionate […]

Accidental Counsellor | Eugowra

The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to:Recognise when a person is in crisis.Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner.Refer the person to a suitable service.Have you ever found yourself supporting a customer, client, friend, family member, colleague or evena stranger who is experiencing distress or a crisis, and […]

LivingWorks safeTALK | Eugowra

Learn and practice powerful, life-saving skills in just four hours. Using a simple yet effective model, LivingWorks safeTALK empowers everyone to make a difference. Develop suicide alertness and safety connection skills. LivingWorks safeTALK provides in-depth skills to recognize signs of suicide, engage someone, and ensure a connection to safety. The in-person format includes powerful audiovisuals […]

Accidental Counsellor | Cudal

The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to:Recognise when a person is in crisis.Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner.Refer the person to a suitable service.Have you ever found yourself supporting a customer, client, friend, family member, colleague or evena stranger who is experiencing distress or a crisis, and […]

DUBBO | DV-alert General 2-day Workshop

DUBBO | DV-alert General 2 day workshop for frontline workers TIME 9.00am - 5.00pm 22-23 Jun 2023VENUE Westside Hotel, 22-30 Whylandra Street, Dubbo NSW 2830REGISTER: https://www.dvalert.org.au/general-dubbo-westside-hotel-cselif06305 Free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence, and know what to do next. What it’s about?Learn how to recognise the signs […]

Accidental Counsellor | Bathurst

THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW FULL. However, please fill out the registration form if you would like to add your name to the wait list. Should there be a cancellation, we will let you know if a spot becomes available. The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to:Recognise when a […]

Accidental Counsellor | Canowindra

The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to:Recognise when a person is in crisis.Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner.Refer the person to a suitable service.Have you ever found yourself supporting a customer, client, friend, family member, colleague or evena stranger who is experiencing distress or a crisis, and […]

Accidental Counsellor | Blackheath

The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to:Recognise when a person is in crisis.Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner.Refer the person to a suitable service.Have you ever found yourself supporting a customer, client, friend, family member, colleague or evena stranger who is experiencing distress or a crisis, and […]


Do you come across people in your community who may be under pressure, showing signs of distress, possibly at risk of suicide and may NEED HELP?And you are concerned about them but not sure WHAT TO SAY?Our ability to notice and our confidence to ask how they are going can make all the difference to […]