Dubbo DV-alert Indigenous 2-day Workshop

TIME 9.00am - 5.00pm VENUE Westside Hotel, 22-30 Whylandra Street, Dubbo NSW 2830 To Enrol: https://www.dvalert.org.au/indigenous-new-dubbo-westside-hotel-cselif05078 Lifeline’s DV-alert* (Domestic and Family Violence Response Training) is a nationally recognised training program that enables frontline workers supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to confidently: • RECOGNISE signs of domestic and family violence (DFV) • RESPOND with […]

DV-alert 2-day Workshop – Orange

TIME 9.00am - 5.00pm VENUE Orange City Bowling Club, 61-89 Warrendine St, Orange NSW 2800 To register https://www.dvalert.org.au/enrolment-forms/general-orange-orange-city-bowling-club-cselif05218 Lifeline’s DV-alert* (Domestic and Family Violence Response Training) is a nationally recognised training program that enables frontline workers to confidently: • RECOGNISE signs of domestic and family violence (DFV) • RESPOND with appropriate care • REFER people experiencing […]

VIRTUAL Accidental Counsellor Penrith

The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to: Recognise when a person is in crisis. Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner. Refer the person to a suitable service. Wednesday 15th December 10am -12.30pm AND 1.30pm-4pm - both sessions must be completed. Open to anyone working or residing in […]

VIRTUAL Accidental Counsellor Blue Mountains/Hawkesbury/Penrith/Lithgow 21_lit04AC_O

THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW FULL The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to: Recognise when a person is in crisis. Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner. Refer the person to a suitable service. 12 and 14 January 2022 5pm-7.30pm - both dates must be completed. Open to anyone […]

VIRTUAL Accidental Counsellor Blue Mountains/Hawkesbury/Penrith/Lithgow part 2

THIS WORKSHOP IS FULL please keep a eye out for new dates announced The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to: Recognise when a person is in crisis. Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner. Refer the person to a suitable service. 12 and 14 January 2022 5pm-7:30pm - […]

DV-alert Workshop Bathurst: Indigenous. 2 day workshop for frontline workers

Enrol: https://www.dvalert.org.au/indigenous-new-bathurst-bathurst-rsl-cselif05089 Date: 31st Jan + 1st Feb 2022 Time: 9am-5pm (both days) Venue: Bathurst RSL -114 Rankin St, Bathurst 2795 DV-alert is free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence and know what to do next. Frontline workers hold a unique position of trust in the […]

DV-alert Workshop Cowra: Indigenous. 2 day workshop for frontline workers

Enrol: https://www.dvalert.org.au/indigenous-new-cowra-cowra-services-club-cselif04894 Date: Mon 7th + Tues 8th Feb 2022 Time: 9am-5pm (both days) Venue: Cowra Services Club, 101-103 Brisbane St, Cowra 2794 DV-alert is free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence and know what to do next. Frontline workers hold a unique position of trust […]

DV-alert Workshop Katoomba: Multicultural. 2 day workshop for frontline workers

Enrol: https://www.dvalert.org.au/multicultural-katoomba-blue-mountains-cultural-centre-cselif05329 Date: Tues 15th + Wed 16th Feb 2022 Time: 9am-5pm Venue: Blue Mountains Cultural Centre: 30 Parke St, Katoomba 2780 DV-alert is free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence and know what to do next. Frontline workers hold a unique position of trust in […]

Accidental Counsellor Blended workshop TEMORA

The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to: Recognise when a person is in crisis. Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner. Refer the person to a suitable service. Total Course Duration: eLearning: 1.5 hours online, self-paced Group session: 3.5 hours of face to face workshop delivered by Lifeline […]

DV-alert Workshop Katoomba: Complex Forms of Violence Response Training for Frontline Workers

Date: Thursday 17th Feb 2022 Time: 9am-5pm Venue: Blue Mountains Cultural Centre: 30 Parke St, Katoomba 2780 Enrol: https://www.dvalert.org. au/complex-forms-of-violencekatoomba-blue-mountainscultural-centre-cselif05330 DV-alert is free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence and know what to do next. Frontline workers hold a unique position of trust in the community and may be the first to […]

Blended Online MHFA Community | AUSTRALIA WIDE

Price: $275 including GST Max Participants: 12 Call 1300 798 258 to register Sessions Dates & Times Monday 21 February & Thursday 24 February 2022 10:00am to 12:30pm both days To register for this MHFA Course, please contact: Lifeline Central West Email: awong@lifelinecentralwest.org.au Phone: 1300 798 258 Additional Information MHFA teaches participants how to assist, […]

Accidental Counsellor Portland Trusted Advocates

Have you ever found yourself supporting a customer, client, friend, family member, colleague or even a stranger who is experiencing distress or a crisis, and you aren’t sure what to say? Our Accidental Counsellor workshop equips participants with the skills and knowledge to respond appropriately in these situations. The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants […]

DV-alert Dubbo: Working with Women with Disabilities. 2 day workshop for frontline workers

Date: Tues 22 + 23 February 2022 Time: 9am-5pm (both days) Venue: Western College, 37 Cobbora Road, Dubbo NSW 2830 Enrol: https://www.dvalert.org.au/working-with-women-with-disabilities-dubbo-westside-hotel-cselif05251 DV-alert is free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence and know what to do next. Frontline workers hold a unique position of trust in […]

DV-alert Dubbo: Complex Forms of Violence. 1 day workshop for frontline workers

Date: 24 Feb 2022 Time: 9am-5pm Venue: Westside Hotel, 22-30 Whylandra Street, Dubbo NSW 2830 Enrol: https://www.dvalert.org.au/complex-forms-of-violence-dubbo-westside-hotel-cselif05248 DV-alert is free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence and know what to do next. Frontline workers hold a unique position of trust in the community and may be […]

DV-alert Katoomba: Men who use Violence. 1 day workshop for frontline workers

DATE: 25 February 2022 TIME: 9.00am - 5.00pm VENUE: Blue Mountains Cultural Centre, 30 Parke Street, Katoomba NSW 2780 Enrol: https://www.dvalert.org.au/men-who-use-violence-katoomba-blue-mountains-cultural-centre-cselif05331 DV-alert is free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence and know what to do next. Frontline workers hold a unique position of trust in the […]

Accidental Counsellor Lithgow | 23_LIT05AC_O

The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to: Recognise when a person is in crisis. Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner. Refer the person to a suitable service. Fri 25  February 2022 10am-4pm (lunch & morning tea supplied) Lithgow Workies Club 3-7 Tank St, Lithgow NSW 2790 Open […]

DV-alert Katoomba: General 2 day workshop for frontline workers

Date: Tues 1st + Wed 2nd March 2022 Time: 9am-4.30pm Venue: Katoomba RSL, 86 Lurline St, Katoomba 2780 Enrol: https://www.dvalert.org.au/general-katoomba-katoomba-rsl-cselif05342 DV-alert is free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence and know what to do next. Frontline workers hold a unique position of trust in the community […]

2hr DV Aware VIRTUAL Workshop

2-hour DV-aware Virtual Workshop The myth that domestic and family violence is a private matter enables it to occur. With our free public awareness workshops, you will learn what domestic and family violence is and how to recognise the signs. What it’s about: This is an introduction to understanding domestic and family violence. You’ll learn […]

Accidental Counsellor Blended workshop DUBBO

The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to: Recognise when a person is in crisis. Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner. Refer the person to a suitable service. Dubbo area, NSW 07/03/2022 (9:00am to 12:30pm) Have you ever found yourself supporting a customer, client, friend, family member, colleague […]

DV-alert Lithgow: Working with Women with Disabilities. 2 day workshop for frontline workers

Date: 8 + 9 March 2022 Time: 9am-5pm (both days) Venue: Blue Mountains Cultural Centre: 30 Parke St, Katoomba 2780 Enrol: https://www.dvalert.org.au/working-with-women-with-disabilities-lithgow-lithgow-workies-club-cselif05326 DV-alert is free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence and know what to do next. Frontline workers hold a unique position of trust in […]

Accidental Counsellor Penrith | 27_PEN05AC_O

This workshop is full. There are places available on FRIDAY 11 MARCH Blue Mountains Cultural Centre: www.lifelinecentralwest.org.au/28_all05ac_o     The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to: Recognise when a person is in crisis. Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner. Refer the person to a suitable service. Thursday […]

Accidental Counsellor Lithgow, Blue Mountains, Penrith and Hawkesbury | 28_ALL05AC_O

The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to: Recognise when a person is in crisis. Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner. Refer the person to a suitable service. Friday 11th March 2022 10am-4pm (lunch & morning tea supplied) Blue Mountains Cultural Centre, 30 Parke St, Katoomba 2780 (Parking […]

DV-alert Cootamundra: General 2 day workshop for frontline workers

To sign up to our next available Cootamundra workshop, go to https://lifelinecentralwest.org.au/event/cselif05232/ DV-alert is free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence and know what to do next. Frontline workers hold a unique position of trust in the community and may be the first to see the […]

Accidental Counsellor Blue Mountains | 30_BMT09AC_O

The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to: Recognise when a person is in crisis. Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner. Refer the person to a suitable service. Friday 18th March 2022 10am-4pm (lunch & morning tea supplied) Blue Mountains Cultural Centre, 30 Parke St, Katoomba 2780 (Parking […]

Accidental Counsellor Blended workshop ORANGE/BATHURST

The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to: Recognise when a person is in crisis. Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner. Refer the person to a suitable service. ORANGE & BATHURST AREAS, NSW 21/03/2022 (9:00am to 12:30pm) Have you ever found yourself supporting a customer, client, friend, family […]

2-hour DV-aware Virtual Workshop The myth that domestic and family violence is a private matter enables it to occur. With our free public awareness workshops, you will learn what domestic and family violence is and how to recognise the signs. What it’s about: This is an introduction to understanding domestic and family violence. You’ll learn […]

2hr DV Aware VIRTUAL Workshop

2-hour DV-aware Virtual Workshop The myth that domestic and family violence is a private matter enables it to occur. With our free public awareness workshops, you will learn what domestic and family violence is and how to recognise the signs. What it’s about: This is an introduction to understanding domestic and family violence. You’ll learn […]

2hr DV Aware VIRTUAL Workshop

2-hour DV-aware Virtual Workshop The myth that domestic and family violence is a private matter enables it to occur. With our free public awareness workshops, you will learn what domestic and family violence is and how to recognise the signs. What it’s about: This is an introduction to understanding domestic and family violence. You’ll learn […]

DV-alert Katoomba: Working with Women with Disabilities. 2 day workshop for frontline workers

Date: Tues 29th + Wed 30th March 2022 Time: 9am-5pm (both days) Venue: Blue Mountains Cultural Centre: 30 Parke St, Katoomba 2780 Enrol: https://www.dvalert.org.au/disability-katoomba-blue-mountains-cultural-centre-cselif05343 DV-alert is free, nationally accredited training to help frontline workers recognise the signs of domestic and family violence and know what to do next. Frontline workers hold a unique position of […]

Accidental Counsellor Hawkesbury | 29_HAW06AC_O

The Lifeline Accidental Counsellor course equips participants with the essential skills and structure to: Recognise when a person is in crisis. Respond in an appropriate and compassionate manner. Refer the person to a suitable service. Wednesday 30th March 2022 10am-4pm (lunch & morning tea supplied) Richmond Community Services Inc, 20 West Market St, Richmond 2753 […]